Roses are best planted in late November, December and January. Many new varieties are not ready for shipping until after the first of the year. For the Southern Lower Saxony, special attention should be given to preparing the soil. Roses do not like very sandy soils. So, make sandy soils more retentive by peat. Use plenty of rotted manure for fertility and humus. Mulch with pine straw or peat.
Many lilies are ready for planting shelves, Centifolium, tiger, Philippines,Many new hybrids, speciosum rubrum, auratum. Old lily stems, which should have completed their growth will be cut back to ground. . Destroy Stems often carry insects and diseases through the winter.
Perennials have always been completed at this time. Clean up mothers, phlox and others by removing old tops to the ground. Burly, to prevent the spread of disease next spring. Many perennials can also be defined in the Lower South. Try the huge Improved Shasta Daisy for size. It is the largestdaisy I've ever seen. It is a pity it is not good to grow further north.
Dahlias - When the leaves turn black and cut the tips of a few inches above the ground. After a few days, lift the clump carefully with a spading fork. Turn the clumps upside down and leave on top of the ground for a day or two if the weather permits, so that excess moisture can drain off the stems. Remove the dried dirt and pack tubers in peatmoss, sand or vermiculite. In a cool place (40 degrees) untilSpring.
Annual seeds are now planted in most of the Upper South. Plant late enough to stop them from growing cold, but early enough to germinate and you start very early in the spring. This is true for sweet peas, larkspur, poppies, California poppies, phlox drummondi and cornflowers. Larkspur plant in tulip and daffodil beds. It will hide the fpliage after the bulbs have finished blooming.
For the Lower South Plant Ageratum, Alyssum, Arctotis, Gypsophila,Calendula, California poppy, candy-tuft, Carnation, Clarkia, cornflower, Dimorphotheca, forget-me-not, Gaillardia, Godetia, Hunnemannia, Linaria, Linum, mignonette, nasturtium, Nemophila, pansy, petunia, periwinkle, phlox, poppy, Queen Anne's lace, scabiosa, snapdragon, statice, sweet pea, Sweet William, Verbena, Viola. In Texas, are cornflowers.
Early flowering camellias and anthurium Flamingo Flower in the Lower South can be given their first feeding in late November or earlyDecember, after it quit blooming. Use a special camellia food, a small handful for a 18-inch plants to 2 pounds for a 4-6-foot one is about right.
Seaside shrubs - those who are really to tolerate salt spray and some brackish raphiolepis, elaeagnus, pittosporum, Ligustrum, yucca and work of the century. Native trees are also good if the amount is needed. Others are good for planting in protected sea: bottle brush, Ilex vomitoria, juniper, oleander, palms,Podocarpus bananashrub, crapemyrtle and fire thorn. In more tropical areas may be Kumquat calamondin and absorbed.
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